51 találat

Business Analyst gyakornok
Informatikai területen tanulsz és folyékonyan beszéled az angol nyelvet? Akkor itt a lehetőség, hogy csatlakozz egy olyan globális vállalathoz, ahol releváns tapasztalatokat szerezhetsz!

Greek Speaking AP Trainee
Do you speak Greek fluently and would you like to gain valuable experience at a multinational company and support the Invoice Processing or the Query team in their everyday work? If your answer is yes, this internship is for you. Don't hesitate to apply!

Technical Financial Markets Advisory Intern
Do you have excellent communication skills? Are you interested in AI and coding? Would you like to work in a multinational company? If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to apply!

Könyvelő gyakornok
Egyszerű, de felelősségteljes diákmunkát keresel és ráérsz heti 20-30 órában? Szeretnéd kamatoztatni pénzügyi ismereteid és az angol nyelvtudásodat? Ha a válasz igen, akkor itt a helyed! A KLM könyvelőinek csapata Téged vár!

Business Development gyakornok
Szívesen dolgoznál business development munkakörben? Akkor ez a diákmunka csak Rád vár! Várjuk jelentkezésed!

General Financial Markets Advisory Intern
Would you like to become part of a multinational company and support the daily operations of the Financial Markets Advisory team within BlackRock? If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to apply!

Market Research and Information Trainee
Are you motivated to get relevant work experience in marketing at a multinational company? Would you like to support the Consumer and Shopper Planning team in reviewing and maintaining commercial and consumer data? If your answer is yes, this opportunity is for you! Do not hesitate to apply!

Manual Payment Intern
Are you interested in the world of finance and would you like to gain valuable work experience in payment processing? Are you confident in English and would you like to work at the biggest asset manager of the world? If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to apply!

Legal Billing Intern
Do you have an interest towards the financial field and working with invoices, moreover, would you like to learn how the Legal Billing Team functions? Are you comfortable with working in a fast-paced environment and being responsible for managing multiple deliverables and tasks concurrently? If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to apply!

Accounts Payable Intern
Do you have an interest towards the financial field and would you like to gain experience in the field of invoice processing? Would you like to work in a multinational team? If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to apply!

Ügyfélkapcsolati gyakornok
Szeretnéd beindítani karriered az egészségügy élvonalában? Csatlakozz a Sanofihoz, ahol inspiráló vezetők mentorálása és támogatása mellett fejlődhetsz, miközben világszerte emberek életére lehetsz hatással.

Greek Speaking Purchase to Pay Trainee
This is your opportunity to join a global company in need of a talented student worker who is passionate about finance.