Liqudity Analytics Intern

Bruttó órabér


Megbízó: BlackRock Hungary Kft.

Munkaidő sáv
Heti 20-30 óra között
Are you open to work at a multinational asset manager company and would you like to work closely together with risk managers and financial engineers? Do you speak English fluently and have an interest towards investments and finance? If your answer is yes, this internship is just for you!


As the world’s largest asset manager and a leading provider of financial technology, BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. Founded in 1988 and based in New York City, BlackRock operates globally, with more than 70 offices spanning 40 countries, and clients in over 100 countries. They opened their Budapest Innovation Hub in 2017, with the idea that technology and finance go hand-in-hand – something they’ve believed since their founding. As a firm and together with their clients, they work to create a more equitable and resilient world, today and for generations to come.

  • Work together with risk managers, financial engineers, traders and application developers to drive the development of liquidity analytics solutions to measure liquidity, price, trading costs, market impact and capacity across various markets
  • Drive agile framework with cross-functional teams to bring predictability and transparency across initiatives
  • Demonstrate analytical and infrastructure understanding by articulating product requirements documents, participating in technical architecture discussions, and winning mandates to deliver commercially viable mandates
  • Perform independent analytical validations by scenarios-driven testing, large-scale validations, and presenting the results for review with stakeholders assuring higher standards in quality
  • Understand rapidly evolving markets & stakeholder needs to influence the analytics roadmap, interlinked with dependencies across the Aladdin ecosystem
  • Automate repetitive processes increasing efficiency and throughput of overall team

  • The position is open for applicants with active or passive student status
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s or master's degree related to finance or economics
  • Fluency in written and spoken English is essential
  • Knowledge of Office tools, especially Excel
  • Interest towards the fields of finance
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Knowledge of Python programming language

Working time

  • Availability to work at least 25-30 hours per week
  • Long-term development opportunity

What we offer

  • 2550 Ft/hour in gross
  • Internship confirmation
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • Opportunity to partly work from home 
  • Possibility to evolve and gain valuable experience
  • Potential to work towards a relevant professional qualification
  • Join one of the world’s leading asset management firms

How to apply

If you are interested in this position please send your CV to the email address given or click "apply".



Pénzügy/Számvitel/Kontrolling / -
Tervezett kezdés dátuma:
Szükséges nyelvismeret:
angolszóban: +++írásban: +++
Szükséges számítógépes ismeretek:
Irodai szoftver / MS Excel / Wordszint: ++
Irodai szoftver / MS PowerPointszint: ++
Programnyelvek / Pythonszint: ++
Szükséges végzettségek:

Kapcsolattartó: Barczikay Réka (

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