Pupil supervisor

Bruttó órabér


Megbízó: Real School Budapest

Munkaidő sáv
Heti 20 óra alatt

Do you have excellent English skills and are you good with children? Then this position is for you! The ideal candidate will have experience in child care, be passionate about working with children, and be capable of ensuring a safe and enriching environment.


Real School Budapest is an independent, not-for-profit international learning environment that educates for sustainability, primarily through real-life, entrepreneurial learning.  The school is currently accepting international students ages 5 to 14.

  • Supervise a mixed-age group of students (ages 5-12) to ensure their safety and well-being.
  • Assist with and oversee age-appropriate activities, including arts and crafts, reading, free play and possibly homework support.
  • Maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Adhere to all school policies and procedures, including health and safety guidelines.
  • Conduct roll call and ensure all children are picked up by authorised guardians.
  • Provide basic first aid as needed and handle emergencies in accordance with school protocol.

  • The position is open for applicants with active or passive student status
  • Fluent English knowledge

Working time

  • Being able to work at least 10-15 hours per week according to agreed schedule
  • From 4 to 5 p.m. during weekdays and during school hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during short and lunch breaks
  • Long-term development opportunity

What we offer

  • Gross salary: 3000 Ft/hour
  • Internship confirmation
  • Long-term development opportunity

  • Additional languages
  • Previous experience in childcare, teaching, or a related field
  • CPR and First Aid certification

How to apply

If you are interested in this position, please fill out the form below and upload your CV. We will contact you as soon as possible.


Alapítvány/Non-profit / -
Tervezett kezdés dátuma:
Azonnali munkakezdés
Szükséges nyelvismeret:
angolszóban: +++írásban: +++
Szükséges végzettségek:

Kapcsolattartó: Drevenka Henrietta (drevenka.henrietta@minddiak.hu)

Jelentkezés a munkára

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Születési dátum *
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