Retail AP Analyst Intern

Bruttó órabér


Megbízó: BP BSC Kft.

Munkaidő sáv
Heti 20-30 óra között

Do you speak English on a high level and are you available at least 20 hours a week? Do you want to work with a multinational company? If yes, then this opportunity is just for you! Join their team, and develop your career in an encouraging, forward-thinking environment!


BP is a global energy business involved in every aspect of the energy system. They are working towards delivering light, heat and mobility to millions of people, every day. They are one of the very few companies equipped to solve some of the big complex challenges that matter for the future. They have a real contribution to make to the world’s ambition of a low carbon future. In Hungary, they operate bp’s Global Business Services organization.

  • Ensure timely and accurate data entry, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and updates while maintaining data security
  • Validate Spanish COCO and COSI network related invoices in Arcadia
  • Attaching invoice copies in SAP
  • Log all your posted invoices int
  • Execution on a daily basis of invoice validation activitieso an invoice management tool

  • Ongoing higher studies and active Hungarian student status for at least 1 year 
  • Written and oral English language knowledge on a high level
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office tools (Excel, Word and PowerPoint)

  • Long-term development opportunity
  • Be able to invest at least 20 working hours per week according to agreed schedule

Amit kínálunk
  • 2035 Ft/hour in gross 
  • Possibility to join their social communities and networks
  • Chill-out and collaboration spaces in a modern office environment
  • Opportunity to work from home: up to 3 days / week based on team agreement

  • Spanish language skills
  • Experience in SAP


If you are interested in this position, please fill out the form below and upload your CV. We will contact you as soon as possible.


Asszisztencia/ Adminisztráció
Tervezett kezdés dátuma:
Szükséges nyelvismeret:
angolszóban: +++írásban: +++
Szükséges számítógépes ismeretek:
Irodai szoftver / MS Excel / Wordszint: ++
Irodai szoftver / MS PowerPointszint: ++
Szükséges végzettségek:

Kapcsolattartó: Szabó Dorina (

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